Looking For Free VoIP? Your Top VoIP Compared

In your quest to find a free VoIP service, you will quickly learn a reality: "free" is a very subjective word on voip. Keep in mind that while many of voip service offer free service, you will first need information for what the best voip service…

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Microsoft and Yahoo at it Again!

In a story that makes news mostly on weekends, it seems Microsoft is once again in talks with Yahoo. This time the software giant based in Redmond, Washington is thinking about buying some of Yahoo! -- not all. I wonder what piece would be of greatest value to Microsoft. Would it want pieces it has already like mail and news or does it want areas it isn't strong in? With all the talk of Ballmer stepping down if the deal doesn't get done and Carl Icahn threatening to replace the Yahoo board