Looking For Free VoIP? Your Top VoIP Compared

In your quest to find a free VoIP service, you will quickly learn a reality: "free" is a very subjective word on voip. Keep in mind that while many of voip service offer free service, you will first need information for what the best voip service…

Compare Your VoIP

Friday, June 6, 2008

Finally -- Skype CallerID for North Americans

For some time now, Skype users in Europe and other countries could send their SkypeIn number as a CallerID (Caller Line Identification - CLI) for SkypeOut calls. Yet if a North American made a SkypeOut call, usually the recipient of the call would see a non-identifying "0000123456" or something similar. This week Skype has modified this service such that Skype users can select either their SkypeIn (Online) number or mobile phone number as their CLI or CallerID to be sent with their SkypeOut ca