Looking For Free VoIP? Your Top VoIP Compared

In your quest to find a free VoIP service, you will quickly learn a reality: "free" is a very subjective word on voip. Keep in mind that while many of voip service offer free service, you will first need information for what the best voip service…

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

What's the Graduation Gadget of Choice This Year?

Many years ago, a camera was a great graduation present, but I don't think that cuts it too much any more. So what did you get for graduation or what did you give? I'm curious to hear if it wasn't a product from a company that's got the same name as the Beatles record company ... And please don't tell us about four-wheel gifts -- don't want to hear it!!! TrackBack (0) | Comments (0) | Tag with del.icio.us | VoIP & Gadgets Blog Home | Permalink: What's the Graduation Gadget of Choice This Yea