Looking For Free VoIP? Your Top VoIP Compared

In your quest to find a free VoIP service, you will quickly learn a reality: "free" is a very subjective word on voip. Keep in mind that while many of voip service offer free service, you will first need information for what the best voip service…

Compare Your VoIP

Friday, May 16, 2008

Life After VON

These are three words I never expected to be stringing together, but for those of us with some VON history, it’s pretty clear now that we need to be thinking this way. Several bloggers, myself included, have been commenting about the messy scenario that has sadly been unfolding around Pulvermedia over the past few weeks. I say ‘sadly’ from a personal perspective, but also for anyone who has been touched by the VON experience and community over the past few years. It’s safe to say that includes